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Posted on April 12, 2008 at 1:36 pm

BusinessWeek: Apple’s OS Edge Is a Threat to Microsoft

Don’t take it as a word from an anti-Microsoft geek.

This time is BusinessWeek reporting.

A recent upgrade to the Mac operating system moves Apple closer to challenging Microsoft for overall computing dominance, even in the corporate market

Not enough?

Windows users, in the very near future, will be free to switch to Apple computers and mobile devices, drawn by a widening array of Mac software, without suffering the pain of giving up critical Windows-based applications right away. The easy virtualization of two radically different operating systems on a single desktop paves a classic migration path. Business users will be tempted. Apple is positioning itself to challenge Microsoft for overall computing dominance—even in the corporate realm.

Full story here.


Posted on August 23, 2007 at 1:06 pm

New iMacs, iWork 08 and iLife 08: short intro

I’ve just attended Apple’s press briefing for the new iMacs, iLife and iWork ’08.

Will post soon pictures, first hands-on impressions on both hardware and software.

look really pretty, screen displays are gorgeous.
Still have to try the new keyboard, low-profiled and featuring MacBook-style keys.

iLife ’08 shows some pretty cool new features, iMovie has been completely redesigned while iPhoto now tends to be a Web 2.0 tool aimed at .Mac Web Gallery photo publishing and sharing (videos too).

iWork ’08
updates Keynote and Pages but, most important, introduces Numbers which, of course, is the spreadsheet fellow of the band.
Numbers is really cool and shows off some nifty features most *xcel users really would love…

More on all of these when I’m back to the base, up and testing!
